General Information

CallHealth enables easy access to all healthcare services and products from the customer’s home.

Customers can consult a doctor over phone or video call, or get diagnostic tests done, buy medicines, get home care services like nursing, physiotherapy and more, all at their home.

In cases which require a visit to hospitals or imaging centers, we provide facilitation services to make customer’s visit smooth and hassle free.

CallHealth delivers the entire range of services from Cure to Prevention to Wellness, at customer’s doorstep, and in essence is the one-stop-shop for all your healthcare needs.

CallHealth provides the following healthcare services:

1) eConsultation – Doctor consults the patient using voice/video call aided by a qualified health officer. Other doctor consultation services include:

SecondOpinion – National & International experts review primary diagnosis of the patient’s primary doctor.

FamilyDoctor - A dedicated doctor for patient and patient’s family accessible 24X7 for the entire year.

GeneralCounselling – Experienced and qualified psychologists provide online counselling on Emotional Health related concerns

2) Diagnostics@Home – Samples for lab tests collected from the patient at home and delivered to Diagnostic Centers for testing

3) Drugs@Home – Medicines are delivered at patient’s home

4) Facilitation – End to end assistance provided to patient for hospitalization and visiting diagnostic/imaging clinics

5) Care@Home – Qualified professionals deliver nursing, physiotherapy, geriatric and post-hospitalization care at the patient’s home

6) Health Insurance – Recommend health insurance products with best fit to the customer’s requirement and assist customer in completing the formalities required for their purchase

7) eWellness - Provide customized advice, products and services, especially, Gyms, Yoga Clinics, Spas & Obesity clinics for positive lifestyle changes to lead a healthier fulfilling life

8) Electronic Health Record – Maintain comprehensive electronic records of patient’s entire personal medical history, which can be accessed anytime anywhere.

CallHealth offers its services in Hyderabad. In due course of time, CallHealth will cover most urban Indian towns and cities with a population of over 40,000 people.

While other online health services provide just few services, only CallHealth provides completely integrated healthcare services under a single platform. This is enabled by integrating services from an entire range of healthcare providers – doctors, hospitals, diagnostics and imaging centers, pharmaceuticals, and wellness experts, among others and provides them in the privacy and comfort of the customer’s home. By delivering the entire range of healthcare services – from Cure to Prevention to Wellness – CallHealth aims to become a one-stop-shop for all healthcare needs.

No. The software is very intuitive and easy to use and we will provide your staff the necessary training to use the software.

When you register with CallHealth, your account is created on the CallHealth’s website for associates. Once you are enrolled as an associate, you can use the same log-in credentials to access the associate website through your account.

No. There are no charges for associate registration.

For any assistance you may call our helpline 040 - 7115 6333, 040 - 4517 1010, 24X7 or email us at associate@callhealth.com

You can log into the associate website and access, review and update the information at your convenience, under "Edit Profile" section.

Please log onto www.associate.callhealth.com. and just follow the simple steps mentioned there to register i.e. signup, fill registration form, get verification mail and fill in your other enrollment details and upload the documents. For any assistance you may call our helpline 040 - 7115 6333, 040 - 4517 1010, 24X7 or email us at associate@callhealth.com

CallHealth is committed to promote all its associates and the services offered by them. Our media promotion will help drive business for our associates. You can also get to promote your brand on CallHealth website, eWellness portal, callhealthshop.com and our magazines and newsletters.

The agreement is for the lifetime, unless there is breach of associate obligations as laid out in the associate agreement.

If both the branches/establishments are the same legal entities then, your existing account can be used and you need to provide an addendum to your existing agreement with CallHealth. But if they are registered with the government as separate legal entities, then you need to register them on CallHealth portal as two distinct associates and create different accounts

Yes, CallHealth is allowed to subcontract the work to its associates.

As partners, both of us have legal liability for our respective functional areas. CallHealth is the facilitator for the entire process and we take complete responsibility for our area of operation. Medical professional liability will remain with the associate partner. CallHealth bears no liability for medical malpractice.

CH takes accountability to the extent of services agreed upon by CallHealth in the Associate Agreement and nothing further. CallHealth is insured by Errors and Omission Policy for Professional Indemnity. However, we would encourage you to have or continue your Professional Indemnity Insurance.

You can terminate your association with CallHealth should you wish so. You need to invoke Termination Clause as per the Associate Agreement.


- Increase your practice with no extra investment

- Increase your revenue/income by optimal utilization of your time and expertise

- Increase your reach & impact by overcoming restrictions of geography

- Increase the customer/patient satisfaction levels by “ZERO” waiting time & reduced consultation time through new age consultation tools

- Get access to trained support staff to make your consultations more efficient

By logging onto our Associate website you will enter the Stakeholder Engagement Center (SEC) where you can access your virtual work place on the CallHealth platform

1) The virtual workplace helps you to execute, manage and keep a track of pending consultations, schedule, payment details

2) It serves as a platform where you get to engage with other specialists, healthcare professionals and institutions, leverage data analytics to enhance efficiency and access knowledge on latest medical trends.

3) The virtual workplace facilitates access to the patient’s electronic health records during the consultation for quick and accurate diagnostics and better care.

CallHealth delivers its services through a network of associate Specialists/Super Specialists. You can register with CallHealth for eConsultation services if you are a Specialist/ Super Specialist with minimum 10 years of experience.

You need to upload the following documents on the associate website while registering with

CallHealth –

1) Educational Certificates

2) Medical Council of India Registration Certificate

3) Supporting documents for Association with Hospital or Institute of repute

4) Government recognized address proof

5) Pan Card copy

The only physical infrastructure that is needed for providing eConsultation is a tablet PC with data connectivity and our custom built software loaded on it. This will be provided by CallHealth. eConsultation requires you to be operating out of an area with either 3G or Wi-Fi coverage with a minimum bandwidth of (256kbps) to support video conferencing.

Specialists/Super Specialists can offer eConsultation through CallHealth. On mutual consent, you can also offer other consultation services such as SecondOpinion, General Counselling and FamilyDoctor. We shall soon be launching an online platform for doctor search / appointment fixing and a practice management software for your clinic.

CallHealth Customers can access eConsultation either through phone, website or mobile app

- A Call Center Officer will collect a patient’s basic data/ symptoms and connect him/her with you.

- You will then use the symptoms provided by the customer/patient updated in the Electronic Health Record and, if available, you will also use the customer’s/patient’s past medical history to arrive at the diagnosis.

- If needed, you can request a physical assessment of customer or collection of samples for diagnostic tests, by our Mobile Health Officer (MHO)

- The MHO is equipped with basic diagnostic equipment, sample collection kits and a smart phone/tablet to enable video conference and connect with the concerned doctor.

- Based on the diagnosis you will then provide an ePrescription.

For detailed process flow, click HERE

You need to log into your virtual work place to view the diagnostic/imaging reports that are uploaded in the system. These can be viewed along with the complete patient medical data.

Yes, you have to indicate the slots and days of the week when you can provide services to CallHealth in advance so that consultation appointments can be booked accordingly. If you are unable to adhere to your schedule, you need inform us in advance so that alternate arrangements can be made.

All CallHealth Officers are well qualified and trained to assist in the process of eConsultation and other healthcare services.

Our Mobile Health Officers (MHO) are M.Sc. (Nursing)/B.Sc. (Nursing)/GNM/Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery (ANM). Our Home Health Officers (HHO) are B.Sc. (Nursing)/General Nursing & Midwifery (GNM)/Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery (ANM)/Multi-Purpose Health Worker (MPHW). Our Pharmacists are Bachelors in Pharmacy/Masters in Pharmacy. Our Physiotherapists are Bachelors in Physiotherapy/Masters in Physiotherapy.

CallHealth continuously refines its eConsultation process and trains the support staff on best practices and Medical Protocols.

If the customer requests for a particular specialist, he is provided that option. In case, the customer asks CallHealth to recommend, then our system driven Selection Rule Engine applies a set of selection criteria for filtering through our universe of associate specialists to arrive at the most appropriate associate specialist to consult the patient. This selection criteria comprises of Serviceability, Availability, General Customer Ratings and Fair Distribution. Please click to know more about CallHealth Selection Rule Engine.

No. You can only recommend hospitalization. Decision on which hospital to go is based on either customer preference or CallHealth Selection Criteria, if customer asks for CallHealth recommendations.

Our software system captures the data on consultations provided by each associate specialist and payment is credited every fifteen days directly into your bank account. You can track the consultations given by you by simply logging into associate portal and referring to your dashboard.

CallHealth decides the price to be charged to the Customer for specialists/doctors.

Associating with CallHealth will provide you additional patients without affecting your existing practice.

CallHealth asks the customer to rate the specialist on a scale of 1-5 after every consultation. These rating are averaged to determine the specialist rating. The ratings are not displayed in public domain but are used as an internal feedback mechanism for the associate specialist and in the selection rule engine.

No, Callhealth does not provide any referral fee for advising diagnostics, hospitalization or prescribing drugs.


- Helps you increase the patient flow to your hospital with zero additional investment

- Ensures optimal utilization of your resources and infrastructure

- Increase the customer satisfaction levels by easing the process admission, stay and discharge

- Expanded Geographical Reach

- Access to new age analytics that can be utilized for systematic growth of your organization.

By logging onto our Associate website you will enter the Stakeholder Engagement Center (SEC) where you can access your virtual work place on CallHealth platform

1) The virtual workplace helps you to execute, manage and keep a track of pending consultations, schedule, payment details

2) It serves as a platform where you get to engage with other specialists, healthcare professionals and institutions, leverage data analytics to enhance efficiency and access knowledge on latest medical trends.

3) The virtual workplace facilitates access to the patient’s electronic health records during the consultation for quick and accurate diagnostics and better care.

You need to upload the following documents on our associate website while registering with CallHealth –

1) Copy of Medical Establishment License

2) Scanned copy of Pan Card

The type of hospitals that CallHealth seeks to partner with, are Super Speciality, Multi Speciality & Nursing Home. For detailed classification click HERE.

The only physical infrastructure that is needed for providing in-patient services is a PC or laptop or tablet with data connectivity. A URL link will be shared with you to enable access to the application. There is no need for any special infrastructure, our application can be accessed from any PC, laptop or tablet.

It is desirable that Hospitals/Clinics provide space for CallHealth Facilitation Officers to sit and operate.

CallHealth Customers access Facilitation either through phone, website, mobile app

- A Call Center Officer will collect a patient’s basic data/ symptoms and register their request for facilitation.

- Once a request is placed, CallHealth’s Facilitation Officer will contact the patient and co-ordinate the visit to a Hospital/ Clinics.

- CallHealth’s Facilitation Officer will work with Hospital to fix bookings for customer, ensure timely readiness of facility, insurance and other pre admission requirements.

- CallHealth Facilitator works with the hospital to complete the discharge formalities on behalf of the customer.

For detailed process flow, click HERE

CallHealth Officers [Call Center Officer (CCO), Facilitation Officers are well qualified, experienced and trained to assist in the process of Facilitation. CallHealth continuously refines its Facilitation process and trains the CCO, Facilitation Officer on best practices and Medical Protocols.

If the customer requests for a particular hospital, he is provided that option. In case, the customer asks for the CallHealth to recommend, then our system driven Selection Rule Engine applies a set of selection criteria for filtering through our universe of associate hospitals to arrive at the most appropriate associate hospital to render care to the patient. This selection criteria comprises of Serviceability, Cost, Reach, Availability, General Customer Ratings and Fair Distribution. Please click to know more about CallHealth Selection Rule Engine.

For hospitalization facilitated by CallHealth, billing and payments are settled directly between the hospital and the customer (or the insurance company if applicable).

CallHealth will charge the hospital facilitation a percentage of the gross bill as facilitation chargers. These are CLICK HERE

A copy of the final bill is to be provided at the time of discharge of the client to the CallHealth Facilitator by the hospital. This enables CallHealth to raise the invoice for Facilitation services on the Hospital.

Associate Hospital needs to make the payment directly into CallHealth bank account via NEFT / RTGS every fortnightly. Complete transparency is maintained and you can log onto the associate portal and view your billing/payment history from your dashboard.

CallHealth will be promoting its services heavily across media, so you can definitely expect a good amount of additional business. Since this is indeed a radically new way of consuming healthcare services, we cannot comment on the exact value of additional business that can be generated.

CallHealth asks the customer to rate the hospital on a scale of 1-5 after every consultation. These rating are averaged to determine the hospital rating. The ratings are not displayed in public domain but are used as an internal feedback mechanism for the associate hospital and in the selection rule engine.

CallHealth will charge the Facilitation fee only on the final amount for hospitalization billed to the customer on discharge.

The customer can reschedule his/her appointments but with prior intimation. You will be informed at-least 4 hours before the scheduled time.

Our agreement with hospitals covers the hospitalization only. As and when CallHealth requires the diagnostics/lab services a separate arrangements/agreements will be entered into with the concerned associate partner.

Diagnostic/Imaging Centers

Helps you increase the patient flow to your Clinic

Increase your revenue/income by optimal utilization of your facilities during lean hours

Increase your reach & impact by servicing even those patients who are unable to visit you

Increase the customer/patient satisfaction levels by easing the process of appointment, report collection and visiting the clinic

Participate in Joint Promotion Programmes

Get trained ground staff who collects samples and delivers reports at no additional cost

By logging onto our Associate website you will enter the Stakeholder Engagement Center (SEC) where you can access your virtual work place on CallHealth platform

1) The virtual workplace helps you to execute, manage and keep a track of pending consultations, schedule, payment details

2) It serves as a platform where you get to engage with other specialists, healthcare professionals and institutions, leverage data analytics to enhance efficiency and access knowledge on latest medical trends.

CallHealth delivers its services through a network of associate diagnostic centers. You can associate with CallHealth if you are a diagnostic center with NABL/ISO Accreditation and provide any 3 of the following services:

Bio-chemistry, Microbiology, Pathology, Serology, Haematology, and Immunology.


If you are an imaging center with NABL/ISO Accreditation and has any 2 of the following services:

X-Ray, 2D Echo, Ultrasound, TMT, CT, MRI, Mammogram

You need to upload the following documents while registering with CallHealth –

1) Medical Establishment License

2) NABL/ISO Accreditation document

3) Government recognized address proof

4) Pan Card details & Bank details for processing the payments

The only physical infrastructure that is needed for providing in-patient services is a PC or laptop or tablet with data connectivity. A URL link will be shared with you to enable access to the application. There is no need for any special infrastructure, our application can be accessed from any PC, laptop or tablet.

It is desirable that Hospitals/Clinics provide space for CallHealth Facilitation Officers to sit and operate.

Yes. While registering, you can indicate the services that you wish to offer to CallHealth Customers. If in future, you wish to offer additional services, you can add them by following the simple process, as indicated on our website www.associate.callhealth.com. Once it is approved in the system, you start getting customers/patients for these additional services.

CallHealth Customers access diagnostics either through, phone or our website

- A Call Center Officer will collect a patient’s basic data/ symptoms and register their request for diagnostic tests. System also determines whether for the requested test sample can be collected from home or patient needs to visit the diagnostic clinic

- If sample can be collected from home, Mobile Health Officer is sent to the patient’s location to collect samples for diagnostic tests.

- The MHO is equipped with basic diagnostic equipment and sample collection kits to transport the sample in temperature controlled conditions to the associate diagnostic center.

- Once the test is done and report is ready, it is shared with CallHealth by the associate clinic.

- If test requires the patient to visit the Diagnostic clinic/Imaging clinic, then depending on the patient request and CallHealth Search Rule Engine, the most suitable associate diagnostic partner for that patient is identified.

- CallHealth Facilitation Officer gets in touch with the selected associate diagnostic center to book the appointment and arranges for the patient to visit the clinic.

- Patient visits the associate clinic accompanied by Facilitation Officer and provides the sample for the test to be conducted.

- Once the test is done and report is ready, it is shared with CallHealth by the associate clinic.

Click here to view detailed process

For detailed process flow, click HERE

Your representative needs to log into your virtual work place and upload the reports in the system. You can further share the link with the CallHealth representative to view and download these diagnostic reports.

CallHealth Officers [Call Center Officer (CCO), Medical Health Officer (MHO] and Facilitation Officers are qualified to assist in the process of diagnostics. CallHealth continuously refines its diagnostics process and trains the CCO, MHO on best practices and Medical Protocols.

If the customers request for a particular diagnostic/imaging center, they are provided that option. In case, the customer asks for the CallHealth to recommend, then CallHealth Selection Rule Engine applies a set of selection criteria for filtering through our universe of associate diagnostic/Imaging centers depending on the customer’s requirement, to arrive at the most appropriate associate clinic to serve the patient. This selection criteria comprises of Serviceability, Availability, General Customer Ratings and Fair Distribution. Please click to know more about CallHealth Selection Rule Engine.

Yes, CallHealth makes sure that the client has a valid prescription ready to be produced at the time of service request delivery, for the tests where a valid prescription is mandatory.

Yes, our Facilitator has a pre-test instructions available with him/her to explain it to the client before confirming the order.

Yes, adequate patient identification information is taken for Test(s) requested along with the previous clinical information, if available, during registration and service request booking.

The Medical Health Officer makes sure that the samples collected are delivered at the nearest lab centers in the stipulated time as per the requirements of the tests.

Each sample given for test, bears CallHealth label with a barcode with necessary information on it. Along with it, the Test Requisition Form (TRF) is handed over to the center which has relevant information about the customer and test required to be done.

Our Medical Health Officer is well equipped and trained to collect and store the sample at an appropriate temperature, in a designated place in the kit. Some of these measures are:

- The Mobile Health Officer kit contains specially designed Vacutainers, in which blood samples can be transported in a temperature controlled environment

- Urine samples are transported in zip lock plastic bag.

For diagnostic tests CallHealth will consider the time window for report delivery as per the norms for the particular test.

For imaging tests, CallHealth is looking for a 12 hour turnaround time for CT Scan & MRI; and a 6 hour turnaround time for X-Ray, Ultrasound, Doppler and other radiology tests.

The moment an order is raised by CallHealth for a test to be conducted by you, system will trigger an email to you containing the customer information, appointment details along with the requested imaging test details.

CallHealth bills the customer for diagnostic/imaging services and collects the payment for the same, directly from the customer.

At the time of registration, the rates of all tests for CallHealth customers will be mutually agreed between the Diagnostics Lab / Imaging Centre and Call Health. Every month, the Diagnostics Lab / Imaging Centre needs to raise an invoice on CallHealth for all the tests conducted in their facility through CallHealth, as per the mutually agreed rates.

Call Health will make the payment will be directly into the associate’s bank account via NEFT / RTGS within fifteen days of receipt of bills. Complete transparency is maintained and the associate can log onto the Associate portal and to view the payment history in their dashboard.

CallHealth decides the price to be charged to the Customer for diagnostics/imaging tests.

These rates are mutually agreed upon between the diagnostic center and CallHealth at the time of registertation.

For all technical issues please get in touch with associate relations team at 040 - 7115 6333, 040 - 4517 1010 or email associate@callhealth.com